Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Veterans-Continue Serving Your Community in Civil Air Patrol!

If you are a Veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces in the Orange County/Los Angeles area, the members of Civil Air Patrol Long Beach Senior Squadron 150 would like to invite you to join our team! As a Veteran we know that you possess the commitment to service, and the core belief that it is an honor and a duty to protect our fellow Americans, that we need to perform our missions!

It is currently estimated that there are currently over 12,500 CAP members who have military experience. Many of these Veterans have chosen to join Civil Air Patrol to serve their communities through the missions of CAP and for the feeling of camaraderie, teamwork, and friendship that they experienced during their military service.

These are exciting times for Civil Air Patrol! The U.S. Air Force recently recognized Civil Air Patrol as a component of its Total Force, when performing missions as the U.S. Air Force Auxiliary, along with Active Duty, Reserves, National Guard, retired personnel and civilian employees. 

If you are a Veteran we invite you to visit our squadron and see if CAP is right for you. We meet Thursday evenings from 1930-2100 at our squadron HQ at Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base. The address is 3976 Constitution Avenue, Los Alamitos, California 90720. If you can, plan on arriving by 1900 so that we have a chance to meet and greet you. 

We know you have a lot to offer CAP and we believe that CAP has a lot to offer you!

For more information about Civil Air Patrol and/or Long Beach Senior Squadron 150, please contact:

Capt. Lloyd Bumanglag, CAP
Long Beach Senior Squadron 150
lloyd.bumanglag AT cawgcap.org

SM Rommel Anacan, CAP
Public Affairs Officer
Long Beach Senior Squadron 150
rommel.anacan AT cawgcap.org

Note: When emailing please use the @ sign in the email address. To avoid spammers we removed the @ symbol in the email addresses listed above.