The members of Civil Air Patrol Squadron 150 were honored to have Brigadier General Nathaniel Reddicks, USAF, visit our Squadron's HQ recently. General Reddicks is the commander of the Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base (JFTB), a position he assumed in April of 2015.
Los Alamitos JFTB Commander Brig. Gen. Nathaniel Reddicks (L) with
Squadron 150 Commander Capt. Lloyd Bumanglag, CAP (R)
Photo Credit: SM Rommel Anacan |
During an hour-long visit, General Reddicks met with leaders from Squadron 150 and Group 7, which are both headquartered at Los Alamitos JFTB, and then had a general question and answer period with squadron members. In addition to sharing updates regarding the base, the California Military Department and other area news, General Reddicks shared the story of his career, from the beginnings as an enlisted Airman, to his role as the commander of an important military installation in Orange County.
Brig. Gen. Nathaniel Reddicks receiving a Challenge Coin from Capt. Lloyd Bumanglag, CAP
Photo Credit: SM Rommel Anacan |
Squadron 150 Commander Captain Lloyd Bumanglag, CAP presented General Reddicks with a Squadron 150 Challenge Coin as a token of our appreciation of his time and support, and we look forward to working with the General and the leadership of Los Alamitos JFTB in serving our community in the days ahead!
As General Reddicks left the meeting, he shouted, "Go Air Force!".... and we couldn't agree more!
Semper Vigilans!
-by: SM Rommel Anacan, Public Affairs Officer