Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Announcing Benjamin O. Davis Award Recipient

Congratulations to Squadron 150 Deputy Commander 2d Lt. Rommel Anacan who recently completed the requirements for the Benjamin O. Davis Jr Award. The Benjamin O. Davis Jr award is given to Civil Air Patrol (CAP) members who complete Level Two (of five) of the CAP Professional Development Program. According to CAP about 670 senior members (adult members) receive the Davis Award each year.

2d Lt. Rommel Anacan (L) receives the Benjamin O. Davis Jr. Award from Squadron 150 Commander Capt. David Powell (R) Photo by: Capt. Gary Mathieson
Thank you to 2d Lt. Anacan for your service to CAP, Squadron 150 and congratulations on your achievement!

More information about the Benjamin O. Davis Jr. Award from CAP National Headquarters is below.

"Civil Air Patrol
Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. Award
Fact Sheet

The Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. Award is given to Civil Air Patrol (CAP) members who complete Level Two of the Senior Member Professional Development Program. It recognizes those members who have dedicated themselves to leadership and personal development in the CAP. This award was first given in 2006 and honors the late General Benjamin Davis. A pioneering military officer who was the leader of the fabled Tuskegee Airmen during World War II, and the first African American to become a General in the Air Force.

Civil Air Patrol is the Auxiliary of the United States Air Force. CAP has a three-fold mission. It includes emergency services, the cadet program, and aerospace education. CAP professional development provides technical skills and leadership training to senior members age 18 and over to support CAP’s mission. The program enables these adults to develop these skills while providing a vital public service to our nation.

As the member progresses through the program, he or she completes five increasingly complex training levels. Each level requires the member to become more involved in CAP activities, master skills in one of 23 technical areas, and develop leadership ability. As he or she completes these levels, the member receives awards, chances for promotion, and selection for more important roles within CAP.

The second milestone is the Davis Award. Members must have completed Level One of the senior member professional development program as well as the CAP Officer Basic Course. Members must also complete the Squadron Leadership School and achieve at least a technician rating in a specialty track of their choice.

Of CAP’s 35,000 senior members, about 670 earn the Davis Award each year. Receipt of the award and completion of additional requirements makes the member eligible for promotion to CAP 1st Lieutenant."

Monday, July 17, 2017

Congratulations to our Newest Mission Scanner!

Congratulations are in order to SM Craig Roalf has completed the requirements to become a Civil Air Patrol Mission Scanner! SM Roalf is one of our newest members and has already become a valuable asset to our squadron. His enthusiasm for CAP and Squadron 150, coupled with his commitment to excellence is noticed and appreciated by all!

SM Craig Roalf (L) receives his certification of completion from Squadron 150 Commander Capt. David Powell
(Photo Credit: Capt. Gary Mathieson)

Congratulations SM Roalf!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

New CAP National Commander Named

(From www.CAP.news)

New Top Senior Leader Will Assume Command at 2017 National Conference in San Antonio

Col. Mark Smith has been selected as Civil Air Patrol’s next chief executive officer and national commander by the organization’s Board of Governors.
A change of command ceremony with Maj. Gen. Joe Vazquez, current CEO/national commander, will be held during CAP’s National Conference in San Antonio on Sept. 2.
Smith, Civil Air Patrol’s Southwest Region commander, will serve as the organization’s top senior leader for the next three years. As CAP’s 24th CEO/national commander, Smith will lead CAP’s 57,000 members across the U.S. in fulfilling the organization’s three congressionally chartered missions — emergency services, cadet programs and aerospace education.
“Col. Smith has the right blend of leadership skills, qualifications and experience to lead Civil Air Patrol into the future,” said retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Judy Fedder, chair of CAP’s Board of Governors. “The members of the Board of Governors look forward to working with Col. Smith to continuously improve the organization in support of the outstanding service our members provide to their communities, states and nation.”
Smith has excelled in Civil Air Patrol as a commander at the squadron, wing and region levels. He has completed all five levels of the CAP professional development (PD) program. He earned PD master ratings in command and safety as well as a senior rating in aerospace education. He has also earned an executive rating in CAP’s Organizational Excellence program.
He also heads up CAP’s Leadership Development Working Group, which is a national-level team that has developed products, tools and courses to better equip CAP’s leaders at all levels for success. The group recently released a highly acclaimed Unit Commander’s Course.
“Col Smith represents the best of the executive volunteer leaders in Civil Air Patrol today,” said Vazquez. “His leadership of Southwest Region, as well as work on a new generation of squadron and wing commander training, greatly benefits all CAP members. He is a great choice to succeed me, and I look forward to working with him to achieve a smooth transition.”
In addition to his experience in CAP, Smith has 43 years of leadership experience in the Air Force, industry and other nonprofit volunteer organizations. His background includes experience with strategic planning, leading change, positively influencing organizational culture and motivating units to achieve higher levels of performance. He is also passionate about servant leadership and helping organizational members achieve their full potential.
Smith has a doctorate in education in ethical leadership from Olivet Nazarene University, a master’s of aviation management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and a bachelor’s in international affairs from the U.S. Air Force Academy. He is a graduate of the Air Force’s Squadron Officer School, Air Command and Staff College and Air War College.
“The selection process for national commander was revised five years ago to reflect the needs of the organization,” said retired Air Force Maj. Gen. MarnĂ© Peterson, chair of the Board of Governors’ personnel committee. “The board is excited to announce Col. Smith’s selection as the next national commander/CEO and we are confident he will serve the organization and its members extremely well in the coming years.”
After being notified of his selection, Smith said, “I am excited to be given the opportunity to serve as Civil Air Patrol’s next CEO and national commander. I look forward to partnering with our phenomenal volunteers and staff to take our organization to even greater levels of excellence in service to community, state and nation.”

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Happy Independence Day!

The members of Squadron 150 wish everyone a Happy Independence Day! We are honored to serve our community and our nation by performing "Missions for America" since 1941! We hope you enjoy this day and celebrate our great nation!